The International Art Academy provides ancillary or supplementary education programs in all specialties, Courses, Seminars, E-Learning, Events, and more.

The Certificate's Degree Programs last up to complete the basic course. This time is different for each sector.

The Bachelor's Degree Programs usually last two (2) years.
The final duration of the program depends on the time that the candidate has to prepare the work and thesis required.
To register a Bachelor's Degree Program requires high school diploma (or equivalent school) and at least two years work experience relevant to the subject of study.

The Master’s Degree Programs usually last one (1) year.
The final duration of the program depends on the time that the candidate has to prepare the work and thesis required.
To register a Master's Degree Program requires Bachelor's Degree (or equivalent degree) and at least three years work experience relevant to the subject of study.

The Doctoral Degree Programs usually last two (2) years.
The final duration of the program depends on the time that the candidate has to prepare the work and thesis required.
To register a Doctoral Degree Program requires Master's Degree (or equivalent degree) and at least four years work experience relevant to the subject of study.


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  • Artists of the year 2017

The International Art Society organizes the "Artists of the year" competition.
The artists who will take the first prize in all competitions made ​​under the InterArtia  (music, poetry, literature, photography, video, etc.) will participate in this.
Stay tuned to not miss the opportunity to be the Artist of the Year. (...)


  •  Excellence Award
    "Ithagenia" 2017

The International Art Academy will award the Excellence Award "Ithagenia" 2017 in Associations, Organizations, Companies, Persons, serving high ideals
and maintain their cultural heritage.
Interested parties can request information and declare their candidacy to the e-mail:


  • InterArtia

World Festival with competitions in all kinds of art (music, painting, photography, literature etc and various categories. Get the brochures and register.  (...)

  • World Poetry Competition
    "K. P. Kavafis"

Results 2016 (...)

The International Art Academy in collaboration with "Volos World Guitar Festival", "Volos World Guitar Orchestra", "World Guitar Center", organizes the "KITHARA" World Composition Competition 2017, focusing on the Guitar
(solo guitar, music ensembles, guitar ensembles, orchestras, etc.)

Any interested Composer (regardless of age and nationality) can take part in the competition, with a Composition that contains the Guitar as a main instrument or accompaniment or as part of a musical ensemble.

More than 70 Awards will be given.
More than 70 Awarded Compositions will be published by International Art Academy
and other International Publishing Companies all over the world.

All Candidate Musical Works in the Final Phase, will be performed at the Volos World Guitar Festival Concerts
by great Guitarists and musicians. (...)




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